Development of the internet today drove so fast. Various dimensions have been passed by this medium. The Internet has formed a new civilization of the modern world. Various sides of our lives are increasingly unable to be separated from existence. Imagine, every information we need, most likely available in the wilds of the Internet.
Internet is very complex and global nature. Various kinds of information from various sources are shown in full. Information ranging from general issues such as economic, political and social culture, to things that are more specific. Given the global nature of the Internet, the information available on the Internet of course also reflected in various languages, depending on the source of information providers and communities who become the target destination information. Most major sites on the Internet provide information in a choice of English, except in his native language.
The development of Internet media as an alternative to participate in the intellectual life of the nation turned out and has been applied in the form of site development education. In this chapter will discuss the role of Internet in education.
In this article will discuss some parts of the following:
1. List of Children's Education Site
2. List of Higher Education Sites
3. Site List Scholarship
4. List Sites Computer Education in Indonesia.
1. Children Education
Child's world is the world's most enjoyable. Almost every parent always give the best for their children, especially when they were children because childhood is the most decisive in the process of their psychological growth in the future. By providing appropriate education to children will be able to obtain a solid foundation for the future of the children.
Media information on the Internet is one medium that can be used to obtain the right information to determine an appropriate education for children. Here are some sites related to Indonesian children's education.
Site Address:
Children educational website that provides useful information for students, ranging from information Computer Knowledge, General Knowledge, Children Stories / Fables, School Lessons, consul-tation, Regarding the education, information for parents, and examples of work . This site is also equipped with the membership, so you or your child can enter the member's area with first register as a member and login. There is also a material question bank for elementary, junior high and high school. Because he looked looked interesting enough, this site has been awarded as the Best Sites Computer version of the Period 2004-2005 On to the category of Education.
Open Eyes
Site Address:
Open Eye Media online community that introduced MathMagic Home School, which is studying MathMagic in numeracy (Mathematics) at home, Fast and precise without the calculator. MathMagic is made to be a method of learning mathematics (arithmetic) that is easy and fun for every child who is studying ketram-pilan basic numeracy. Covers the basics of how simple arithmetic addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, rank number 2, and many new methods in arithmetic that does not exist in the method of studying mathematics at ordinary schools. This site reveals all these things with MathMagic. There is also a book about MathMagic methods that can be purchased on this site.
The Fourth R Inc.
Site Address:
The Fourth R Inc.., Established since 1991, providing courses, assessment software, high-quality certification. Make it as a center of learning and schools worldwide. Already has 150 branches in over 20 countries.
The Fourth R Indonesia focusing to provide computer training for children from age 3 to 14 years, and adults, with the concept of Performance-Based Training. The main information presented is School Programs, Youth Programs, Corporate Training, IT Training, Partner with Us.
2. Higher Education (Higher Education)
Higher education is one of the top-level education is increasingly needed by the community to prepare prospective graduates to be ready to jump in the world of work. Here are some university sites that are popular in Indonesia:
Site Address:
Site Bina Nusantara University in Jakarta, Meru ¬ feed one prominent information technology-based universities in Indonesia, and even Asia. This site is presented fairly good, providing a variety of in ¬ formation, among others, Rev. Binus, Majors, Student Life, Ad ¬ mission, About Binus. There are several pages about ¬ pliers BINUS program, namely the page hahasiswa, ¬ most international students, as well as graduate programs. Meanwhile, for students of Bina Nusantara is provided with a special page to log in first. This site also has links related to the Bina Nusantara, such as Education Services link that contains links to sites Bina Nusantara education program, which connects to the Community link sites, as well as links to sites Binus company, and PT . Widya Rahardja Informatika.UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO
Site Address:
Various information about the war ¬ Sema Diponegoro University, among others, about UNDIP, location, vision and mission UNDIP, information staff, academic, collaboration, site map, faculty and department, location, resources & services, campus life, student directories, and alumni directory. There is also a webmail facility for students and alumni UNDIP.
Site Address:
Official website of the Institute of Technology Sura baya ¬ (ITS), providing information about campus ITS ¬ pliers, including Headline News, Profiles, Opinion, Agenda Activities, Scholarships, Jobs, Alumni, Science Faculty, FTI, FTSP, FTK, FTIf, Elka Polytechnic, Polytechnic Ship, Pg LPPM, BAPSI, Library, Com ¬ puter Center, Student Advisory Center, Language Center, Sports Facility, Email ITS, IKA ITS, Student Senate, BEM ITS, ITS LMB, JMMI, SBIC Higher Education, ICT Questionnaire Higher Education, Academic Information System, Student Information and Academic Calendar.
Site Address:
Official website of Bandung Institute of Technology, provides various information about ITB, which is about the ITB, education, research, facilities, community, news, agenda, and focus. Also presented the perspective of students (Undergraduate, Graduate, International Students), information about the academic calendar, info about Legal Software, SMS service campus, webmail, and alumni. There is also a digital library (Agronomy ITB), the program pro ¬ gram-education and faculty in the ITB.
Site Address:
Official website of the University of Indonesia (University of Indonesia), Jakarta & Depok, presents the information in the main menu: About the UI, UI Faculty, Campus Life, International, Research / Partnership. On the main page you will find informa ¬ tion about the news around campus, agendas and announcements. In addition, the menu also available for registration, academic calendar, library, information technology, UI, TV UI, stock and gallery photos.
Site Address:
Available news headlines and events in Petra. On the main menu is available linki to obtain information about Petra Christian University, administration offices, academic programs, facilities, students, alumni, civitas, research, and navigation information for visitors.
Site Address:
Catholic University's official page ATMA JAYA Indonesia Yogyakarta. The main menu is History, Vision and Mission, Foundation Rijadi Slamet, Location, and the Library. Fa ¬ kultas information includes the Faculty of Biology, Economics, Law, Social Science and Political Science, Engineering, and Technology In ¬ industries. International Program Information includes Civil Engineering Program, Program Management, and Pro ¬ gram of Industrial Engineering. Graduate Program, including Master of Laws, Master of Engineering, Master of Management. Information includes student-rental Kemahasis Faculty, Cost Study, Scholarship, Regis ¬ ly, the Organization Kemahasis-rental, Alumni Info, and Student Activities. Also available is information on campus news and agenda of the campus.
Various news and events that became the main topics include campus news, general news, and news of the ¬ tus. At the ATMA Portal you'll find links to campus information system, namely synthesis, Sintedos, and Amadeus. Periodically, this site also provides information about the research and publication. To complement the students' needs for knowledge ATMA JAYA, this site is equipped with facilities webmail, forums, and libraries.
Site Address:
The main information is an article about UKDW, the achievements that have been achieved UKDW, programs of study in UKDW, student activities, academic calendar, e-learning UKDW, site maps and news UKDW activity.
Site Address:
Page Trisakti University official site comes with two languages, namely English and Indonesian, provide information about the University of Trisakti, academic programs, new student enrollment, facilities, research, student affairs, campus maps, directories and publications. Information about the faculty which is owned by the University of Trisakti, such as the Faculty of Law, Economics, Medicine, Dentistry, Civil Engineering & Planning, Technology Industry, Minerals Technology, Landscape Architecture & Environmental Technology, Fine Arts & Design. There are also programs and Postgraduate Diploma. There is also info about the campus and its activities, Trisakti Movie (collection of the best movies Trisakti), Trisakti Event (Organiser of the university), Trisakti Poll (poll with interesting topics.)
3. Education Scholarship
Scholarships are usually awarded to students who have talent and achievement in a particular field. But there are also scholarships granted to students who are less able, but in desperate need of education. Various parties, especially universities, many of which hold this scholarship program. Even if you are interested to study abroad, widely available at universities abroad that offer a variety of scholarship programs. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, many parties, both corporate, social agencies and higher education who organized a scholarship program. Here are some information sites in Indonesia which offers a variety of scholarship programs are quite interesting. Here is a list of some well-known scholarship program:
Progra M AUSTRALIAN Development Scholarship (ADS) IN AUSTRALIA
Site Address:
Education scholarship program for sons and daughters of Indonesia's best, hosted by the Government of Austra ¬ lia, via The Australian Government's Overseas Aid Program. Scholarship program that awarded a full scholarship to study in Australia, ranging from tuition to cost of accommodation during their stay and study in Australia. There are 300 scholarships per year. This site is developed and managed by the Australian Government. In the ni site you will find information such as About AusAID, Project, Media Releases, Feature Stories, Photo Gallery, Funding Guidelines, Job Opportunities, Contact AusAID, Links, Search and Site Map.
Site Address:
A foundation scholarship provider company founded by Sampoerna. The foundation provides various forms of scholarships for improving children's education Indonesia especially for students and outstanding students from underprivileged families. Information presented in both English and Indonesian. The main menu is available is information about About the Foundation, Our Programs, Media Center, Education in Indonesia, Join Us, SF and the Family. There are also a variety of news information and announcements about activities of the Foundation, and the Application Form which you can get for free.
Site Address:
A site that you can make the gate to get various information on international educational scholarships for those who wish to continue their education to pursue higher degrees, both S1 and S2.
If you are looking for scholarships, the principle is the same as finding a job. We must be diligent searching and trying. We also must demonstrate to funders, foundations or institutions that we are serious about their education.
This site brings the latest information on International Education to Indonesia. In this site presented the requirements you need to prepare before you decide to study abroad. A full range of information schools or educational programs overseas scholarships, for example in the UK Graduate Scholarship, the Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) in Indonesia, International Study Programs Scholarships, Computer Science University of Indonesia, ASEAN Scholarships, Statistics, Republic of Indonesia, AusAID, the Chevening Scholarship, Fulbright, Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program, Monbusho, Witteveen Dekker Indonesian Scholarship Foundation and many more
4. Computer Education
The Internet is a medium of information that can not be separated from the presence of computer equipment to support the existence of inter-connectivity of Internet users. Computers are not seen only as a medium to conduct activities of typing, but more than that can be used as a core business, namely in Business Information Technology. The various sites that offer education as IT professionals, who now increasingly expanding its development in the homeland. Here are some sites that provide education in the field of Information Technology.
Site Address:
This site is a practical computer education. Some courses are held, among others, web design, web programs, web databases, networking, PC Hardware. Available information on Registration, Course Pack, Payment, Tour Absasi, and Syllabus. For ang ¬ bers provided a special.
Site Address:
Saint Lucia Education Foundation (YPSL) stand on January 27, 1984 started in '70s. This site ¬ tests provide guidance for the younger high school who want to continue their education to university level, Mrs. Lucia Soetanto Tests Guidance (BTILS) is then developed into Tutoring Saint Lucia (BBSL). Educational materials provided include Tutoring, Computer Education, English, and Education Secretary.
Site Address:
TV Education (Education TV) ¬ is intended to summarize the information related to Educational Technology ¬ use to help Educators, Students and Society. This site is a site that is non-profit, all information provided is only for the progress of education in Indonesia, particularly in the development of education and information technology. The information provided in this site include Computers & Education, Internet & Education, Technology Studies, Language Laboratory, WWWEb, TV / Radio. There is also a forum and mailing list services.
Good info, but unfortunately use English.
ReplyDeletea bit difficult to interpret.
Thank you very much.