Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed themselves and society. Education involves teaching specific skills, and also something that can not be seen but the more profound the gift of knowledge, consideration and wisdom. One of the major basic education is to teach culture through the generations.
Educational background
Level of education is a stage of education that is based on the level of development of the learner, goals to be achieved, and skills developed.
* Early childhood education
Early childhood education (ECD) is a development effort that is intended for children from birth until the age of six years conducted through the provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development of physical and mental readiness for the child have in entering further education.
* Primary education
Primary education is the education level early during the 9 (nine) the first year of school children that underlie secondary education level.
* Secondary education
Secondary education is the level of basic education, further education.
* Higher education
Higher education is education after secondary education which includes education program diploma, bachelor, master, doctoral, and specialists organized by the college.
Line education
Education course is the vehicle through which learners to develop self-potential in an educational process in accordance with the purpose of education.
* Formal education
Formal education is education held in schools in general. This educational path has a clear educational levels, ranging from elementary education, secondary education, to higher education.
* Non-formal education
Most numerous non-formal education at an early age, as well as basic education, is a landfill, or the Koran Educational Park, which is widely available in every mosque and Sunday School, which is found in all churches.
In addition, there are also a variety of courses, including music lessons, tutoring and so forth.
* Informal Education
Informal education is education, the environment shaped the family and independent learning activities.
Type of education
This type of education is the group that is based on the specifics of the goal of education is a unit of education.
* Public education
Public education is the primary and secondary education which prioritizes the expansion of knowledge required by learners to continue their education to pursue higher degrees. Shape: Elementary School (SD), Junior Secondary School (SMP), and High School (SMA).
* Vocational education
Vocational education is secondary education that prepares students primarily for work in specific areas. Education unit form is a Vocational School (SMK).
* Academic Education
Academic education is higher education undergraduate and graduate programs that are directed primarily on the acquisition of specific scientific disciplines.
* Education profession
Professional education is higher education after an undergraduate program that prepares students to enter a profession or become a professional.
* Vocational education
Vocational education is higher education that prepares students to have jobs with specific expertise applied in a maximal level 4 diploma equivalent to degree programs (stratum 1).
* Religious Education
Religious education is a primary, secondary, and higher which prepares learners to be able to perform a role that demands mastery of knowledge about religious teachings and / or become a theologian.
* Special Education
Special Education is to provide education for learners with disabilities or students who have extraordinary intelligence which was held in an inclusive (join regular schools) or a special education unit at the level of primary and secondary education (in the form of Special School / SLB).
Philosophy of education
Education usually begins when a baby is born and lasts a lifetime.
Education could have started from before the baby is born as practiced by many people by playing music and reading to babies in the womb in the hope he will be able to (teach) their baby before birth.
Many other people, the experience of everyday life more meaningful than formal education. As Mark Twain said, "I never let school interfere with my education."
Family members have a teaching role that is very deep - often more profound than they realize - though family teaching running unofficially.
Quality education
There are two factors that affect the quality of education - especially in Indonesia - namely:
Internal factors, including the ranks of the world's best education that the Ministry of National Education, regional education office, and also schools that are at the forefront.
External factors, is the society in general.
Level of education is a stage of education that is based on the level of development of the learner, goals to be achieved, and skills developed.
* Early childhood education
Early childhood education (ECD) is a development effort that is intended for children from birth until the age of six years conducted through the provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development of physical and mental readiness for the child have in entering further education.
* Primary education
Primary education is the education level early during the 9 (nine) the first year of school children that underlie secondary education level.
* Secondary education
Secondary education is the level of basic education, further education.
* Higher education
Higher education is education after secondary education which includes education program diploma, bachelor, master, doctoral, and specialists organized by the college.
Line education
Education course is the vehicle through which learners to develop self-potential in an educational process in accordance with the purpose of education.
* Formal education
Formal education is education held in schools in general. This educational path has a clear educational levels, ranging from elementary education, secondary education, to higher education.
* Non-formal education
Most numerous non-formal education at an early age, as well as basic education, is a landfill, or the Koran Educational Park, which is widely available in every mosque and Sunday School, which is found in all churches.
In addition, there are also a variety of courses, including music lessons, tutoring and so forth.
* Informal Education
Informal education is education, the environment shaped the family and independent learning activities.
Type of education
This type of education is the group that is based on the specifics of the goal of education is a unit of education.
* Public education
Public education is the primary and secondary education which prioritizes the expansion of knowledge required by learners to continue their education to pursue higher degrees. Shape: Elementary School (SD), Junior Secondary School (SMP), and High School (SMA).
* Vocational education
Vocational education is secondary education that prepares students primarily for work in specific areas. Education unit form is a Vocational School (SMK).
* Academic Education
Academic education is higher education undergraduate and graduate programs that are directed primarily on the acquisition of specific scientific disciplines.
* Education profession
Professional education is higher education after an undergraduate program that prepares students to enter a profession or become a professional.
* Vocational education
Vocational education is higher education that prepares students to have jobs with specific expertise applied in a maximal level 4 diploma equivalent to degree programs (stratum 1).
* Religious Education
Religious education is a primary, secondary, and higher which prepares learners to be able to perform a role that demands mastery of knowledge about religious teachings and / or become a theologian.
* Special Education
Special Education is to provide education for learners with disabilities or students who have extraordinary intelligence which was held in an inclusive (join regular schools) or a special education unit at the level of primary and secondary education (in the form of Special School / SLB).
Philosophy of education
Education usually begins when a baby is born and lasts a lifetime.
Education could have started from before the baby is born as practiced by many people by playing music and reading to babies in the womb in the hope he will be able to (teach) their baby before birth.
Many other people, the experience of everyday life more meaningful than formal education. As Mark Twain said, "I never let school interfere with my education."
Family members have a teaching role that is very deep - often more profound than they realize - though family teaching running unofficially.
Quality education
There are two factors that affect the quality of education - especially in Indonesia - namely:
Internal factors, including the ranks of the world's best education that the Ministry of National Education, regional education office, and also schools that are at the forefront.
External factors, is the society in general.
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