Saturday, December 11, 2010



Issues That Arose From Election 2005

set up by:

Name: Lana Prasaja

NIM: 03/169946/DPA/01631

Prodi / Fak. : Komsi / Science







Awareness of the importance of democracy today is very high. This can be seen from the role of the people of Indonesia in implementing the General Election either dilaksakan by central and local governments. This is evident from the number of voters who do not use their voting rights a bit. General elections are directly implemented for the first time directly elect the president and vice president and member of the MPR, DPR, DPD, DPRD in 2004. Although there are still problems that arise when the time of implementation. But still it can be said suses.

After successful elections in 2004, began in June 2005 then in 226 areas covering 11 provinces and 215 districts and cities, held elections to choose local leaders. So that citizens could determine the head of the region according to their own conscience. Unlike in the first year that uses a representative from the party. But in the implementation of this election appears deviation deviation. Starting from the problem of administration candidates related to the voter.



1. Definition and Legal Basis Election

The word democracy comes from the Greek demos meaning people and Kratos which means government. So that democracy can mean government of the people of the people, by the people, for the people. Governance authority to the people. All members of the public (eligible) participate in the life of the state in election activities. The implementation of democracy has been done from the first in many regions in Indonesia until Indonesia's independence until today. Democracy in Indonesia bersumberkan Pancasila and the Constitution of '45, so often called Pancasila democracy. Pancasila Democracy cored deliberation to reach a conclusion, with stems starting at the schools of kinship and mutual cooperation

Indonesia first in carrying out elections at the end of 1955 which was followed by many parties or individuals. And in 2004, has held direct elections to elect people's representatives and the president and his deputy. And now it began in June 2005 local elections have been held or called direct election. Election is a means of realization of popular sovereignty. There are five important considerations implementation of direct elections to the development of democracy in Indonesia.

1. Direct local elections is a response to the demands of the people's aspirations for the presidential and vice presidential, House of Representatives, even the village head had been carried out directly.

2. Direct local elections is a manifestation of the constitution and the 1945 Constitution. As mandated by Article 18 Paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution, the Governor, the Regent and Mayor, respectively as head of the provincial, district, and city elected democratically. This has been stipulated in Law No. 32 of 2005 regarding the Certification, Appointment, and Dismissal of Regional Head and Deputy Head of the Region.

3. Direct local elections as a means of learning democracy (politics) for people (civic education). He became a media learning democratic practices for the people who are expected to form a collective consciousness of all elements of the nation about the importance of choosing the right leader as his conscience.

4. Direct local elections as a means to strengthen local autonomy. The success of regional autonomy one of them is also determined by local leaders. The better the local leaders that result in a direct election, 2005, the commitment of local leaders in realizing the objectives of regional autonomy, among others, to improve the welfare of the community by always looking for the interests and aspirations can be realized.

5. Direct local elections are an important means for the regeneration of national leadership. Knowingly or not, very limited stock of national leadership. Of the total Indonesian population of more than 200 million, the number of national leaders that we have only a few. They are mostly the leaders of major political parties that won the 2004 elections. Therefore, hopes for the birth of a national leader instead of direct election.

2. Implementation and Diversion Election

Election is intended to elect the head of the region in 226 areas scattered in 11 provinces and 215 districts and cities. The people elect the head of each region are directly and according to each individual conscience. In this way the selected region is expected to head a popular choice area. In the execution of elections conducted by the Regional Electoral Commission, respectively. Election Commission carried out this task is very heavy which is set for the implementation of this election can be facilitated by democratic. Starting from the selection of prospective candidates, ballot preparation, to implementation of this election.

In practice there is always a problem occurs. Often found using a fake diploma by prospective candidates. This is very worrying at all. If the candidate can qualify as the area where the future because it has been led by people who are mentally corrupt. Because starting from scratch just been using the incorrect way. And also the cost to be a candidate who is not small, if not iklas want to lead the first act of which is to find ways how to make money to immediately kemali or "return on investment". This is very dangerous.

In the implementation of this election there are winners and there are losers. Often for the losing side can not accept his defeat with a roomy chest. So that he would mobilize masses to go to the local Election Commission. Cases that are still warm is burning one of the local election office in the island province of sumatra. This proves a very low level of political consciousness of society. So from the Election Commission prior to conducting elections, often by doing Pledge ready to win and ready to lose. Still, problems arise such problems.

Besides the issue of the prospective candidates, there are also problems arising from the local Election Commission. For example, in Jakarta, the Election Commission members convicted of corruption fund these elections. The fund was supposed to conduct implementation election was corrupted. This action is very worrying. From here we can see that the low mental officials. With their easy to exploit his position for his own pleasure. And perhaps also when the selection process of prospective candidates is also an event like this. For example, in order to pass the selection will have to pay tens of millions.

In the implementation of the election on the field much once discovered misappropriation misappropriation. Cheating is done by the prospective candidates such as:

1. Political Money

It seems the political money is always accompanied in every execution of the election. Taking advantage of the economic problem of society that tends to still low, then they can easily be manipulated with ease. Real example that is only within the author ie Karangwetan village, Tegaltirto, Berbah, Sleman, also occurs it is. That is one of the cadre of prospective candidates dividing the share of money on condition kapada society must choose a particular candidate. But it's with money can buy everything. With the low level of education a person then that person can easily be manipulated and arranged with ease just because of money.
So very rational at all if it is to become a candidate for head of the region should have a lot of money. Due to these costs, the cost was.
2. Intimidation
Intimidation is also very dangerous. For example in the area that is also the author of unscrupulous government officials to intimidate citizens vote for one candidate. It is very perverted at all of the rules of the election.
3. Introduction start campaign
This action most often occurs. Though already very clear rules that apply in the election. Several ways such as billboards, banners, leaflets. Often also for the prospective candidate who is head of the area was visited every related area. This visit is very high intensity when approaching the election. This is very opposite of when he was leading the first. In addition, local TV media are often used as a media campaign. Such is a prospect greeted tersbut vision and mission in the event of the campaign when the schedule has not yet begun.
4. Negative Campaign
This negative campaigning may arise due to lack of socialization of prospective candidates to the public. This is because most people still lack of importance of information. So they just "obedient" to the people around them who become role model. Negative campaigning can lead to the emergence of defamation that could damage the integrity of the area.
3. Solutions
In implementing something there must be constraints that must be faced. But how can we minimize the constraint constraints. Therefore we need public participation because it is not just the responsibility of government alone. To menggulangi problems that arise because of the election, among others:
1. All parties are both from the local to central, shared the same maintain order and the smooth implementation of this election. Prominent community leaders who are role models can be souri model for society. With this we can avoid conflict.

2. All citizens respect each other opinions. In a fair democracy if there is a difference of opinion. This is expected not to cause conflict. With the awareness to appreciate other people's opinions, then the implementation of the elections can proceed smoothly.

3. Socialization to the residents improved. With the socialization of society is expected to obtain accurate information. Thus avoiding the possibility of slander against another candidate.

4. Choosing with a conscience. In choosing the candidate we should vote with his own conscience without coercion from others. So the principles of the election can be facilitated by good.


Nations that learning is a nation that every time improvement. The Indonesian government has tried to fix the system that has been with the foundation to promote the interests of the people. Although the implementation of this election is still encountered various permasalhan but this is all fair because the new face of Indonesia was the first time after direct elections to choose a president and his deputy. This all can be used for political learning community. So that people can realize the importance of democracy, respect for opinions, togetherness in the face something. Good human would not make a mistake ever made. Hopefully for the next general election problems that arise can be minimized. So the buffer elections run smoothly.


1. Abraham Panumbangan (Fisipol student in St. Louis). Still needs time. edition of Friday, July 15, 2005

2. Hasan Shadily, dkk.1973. General Encyclopedia. New York: Franklin Book Fund Foundation in Jakarta.

3. M. Ma'ruf (Minister of the Interior). Optimism face direct elections. edition of Tuesday, February 22, 2005

4. Editors Compass. APBN-P 2005 Bantu Rp 464.9 billion. edition Wednesday, March 30, 2005

5. Suardi Abubakar, et al. 2000. Pancasila and Citizenship Education 2 SMU.Jakarta: Yudhishthira.

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