Political Education and Political Education
By Dr. Moh. ROQIB, M. Ag
Desperate, if not sin maybe pengamalnya more than news as we hear. Suicides in congregation (with family), jump from the mall, stress, and oust themselves as "unemployed" is the concrete manifestation. Misfortune, happen to this nation almost evenly along with a fantastic triumph felt by the "handful of" rogue officer who doubles as a "merchant" or unscrupulous businessman who doubles as the "official". Merchandise and successive positions or concurrently serves to fold the "bounty of natural resources" are abundant in this country. Folded and held then mocked at will.
Commercial human, hedonist, and cannibals who used to read the comics and fictional story is now a reality that makes life a blue emotion. Homo homini lupus getting close and real. Stories State gemahripah jinawe loh, grammar tentrem Kerta Raharja menjani daydream and dream together. Indeed, dreams, hope, and reverie-under certain conditions-the panacea to provide lelipur lara us to survive in life, to survive in the face of this national tempest.
Education which became the spearhead of human resource development and prosperity is still the tip tombok for teachers who teach in these institutions. Progress has been felt by a small portion of teachers who largely stalled. Where do we parse this kusust thread? Why we love the country seemed to show hatred and anger? Earth memuncratkan hot mud, wind direction writhing with zig zag and quick swivel, the mountain cough, vomiting flatten the earth's water, trees and house fire devouring the innocent. What is this?.
Various questions will be answered completely brief in this paper through the "glass" of education and politics.
As the Soft Power Education
Every success in the start and end with education. Success in the political, economic, social, cultural, and religious education is built on pndasi. Success without the education process is utopian. Utopian growing in themselves and have a huge gap that will create stress or even crazy. Who lack adequate education, if coupled with a pile of about a utopian as that offered by soap operas and advertisements in print and electronic media will make Part of the community become truly insane. Mad office, crazy treasure, crazy beauty, and others. Not only the common people that this disease but also politicians, rulers, businessmen, teachers, professors, and clerics. This madness Trend bias found in real life. Those who should be imitated digugu and indecent scenes and even make a public spectacle. Dispute because the seizure "bread" triumph show they will never achieve greatness that.
Education is a soft power, true power is not Kasab eyes but all people need and feel the power. Education provides enormous political influence in human life. Human well-educated and healthy he will be able to self-create to change the politics of education as a medium for noble civilization and at the same time educate mempu politics through education. Political education and political education integrated bias, interconnection, but also can be hostile.
Schools As Political Tool
Reproduction Poor Schools, unwilling School, and the title of a book like merukan portraits public anxiety to see the reality of schools that chaotic, expensive, is like a bank, and become a tool of global capitalism. Neocolonialism has come so close to a public institution which has been glorified. Education has undergone a process of formalization of the school, and only schools that get state legitimacy makes all citizens "misreading" of education. Interpreted education school with a very narrow limits. The task of educators, national exams, physical development, and other educational programs are always attached to the formal institution called "school". The fate of man is written in a piece of sacred Kerta who then interpreted by the competent authority which is supported by data as well as "supporting data". Supporting data is needed because the certificate is considered not enough, therefore there must be other small sheets that can support this diploma behavior or not.
Schools with the political designs like this have won freedom and humanity. [3] School no longer has the mission of education but more likely on the provision of employment, trade science, and practice of capitalism and the new colonialism. Without distinguishing between the school and education globally there are two things to ponder:
1. Why high school, why should buying a stack of books. What is the purpose and how the process and learning strategies have been planned so that children understand the purpose of buying and reading books. This question has always just missed, which makes people feel depressed and the price of the book they should buy a more expensive and suffocating chest. Not to mention working conditions, live load, environmental conditions are broken, the information continues to flow that there are people who use the textbook procurement project in a way that is less teach. Moreover, by looking at government policies that are less pro-education people.
2. Institutionally, our school has not been able to create a vision and orientation in favor of the people, but side with the interests of capital investment. On the other hand the school is not able to apply learning strategies and education that touches the region "in the" human so that learners have a superior competence so that he can participate to advance civilization berkeadaban.
Political compulsion School
If the school is still positioned as a political tool, then the political education for the younger generation in this country will experience penurununan quality and even more drastic again. For the element of compulsion for school anticipates bias neutralized the political influence of evil, then there must be people's liberation program of compulsion in education.
Freedom to choose a quality education without the burden of cost that is not affordable is one of the solutions in addition to improving the quality and equity of education itself. Quality education should be spread in all corners of the nation's life so that young accessed. With information technology, this effort becomes easier to be realized.
To provide alternative solutions for school can be so cheap that could be affordable by all levels of society including by:
1. The allocation of national budget / budget 20 percent for education, so it is not just a political discourse or by using a budget. [4]
2. Cut the salaries of high officials who were allocated to education based on government-imposed commitment.
3. Interesting education tax by large companies.
4. Investigate and impose sanctions on all parties who engage in corruption on the education budget.
5. Encouraging the business sector relating to educational institutions to allocate a budget that can make the most of educational institutions.
6. Involve the mass media is primarily to give a bold and incisive coverage of commitment to education a number of circles.
7. Creating a new standard of quality education that not only touches the capability and krativitas students but also the cost of school.
8. Encourage educational institutions openly management by involving a number of parents and students if the college is to design the educational institution needs.
9. Encourage the parliament to be actively involved in the determination of education officials. Education officials but not the internal affairs of the school of public affairs.
10. Withdraw funds directly to the community.
Tejangkau Education and Achievement
Ten of these alternatives still need to be discussed and completed.
1. Cutting salaries give the impression of coercion. Coercion is less positive effect on education. As an alternative could be disseminated zakat zakat all professions and income derived by officials and professionals.
2. Applying the concept that to people who already pay zakat above can be included as part of tax payments. With spiritual ties entrepreneurs more easily possible to spend education funds.
3. Conduct a comprehensive control and sanction to all parties who do corruption not only of the education budget but in all budget.
4. Utilize and support family education (home schooling) to optimize the role of mother as the education of children and young people. [5]
5. Building a tradition of scholarly / academic in any social environment and equip facilities or educational media so easily accessible by the public.
6. Optimization of the mosque and library functions. If the library can not exist with the mosque as well as efforts dimachingkan completion dibutuihkan books and actual for the community. [6]
7. Create a group educational thinkers in the center and each region is responsible for providing input and anticipation of educational problems. This is due to the acute problems will require high cost and then be a burden on society.
8. Encourage the establishment of community education centers such as schools and madrassas Diniyah usually run with high consciousness and self-reliance.
9. Selecting officials are impartial and not neutral. Selecting officials or leaders who sided with the people of character and justice.
Related to funding, in addition to funds from sources that have been prevalent, schools / educational institutions to develop funding from donors (infaq-charity), zakat and waqf (endowments including instructional media, library books, and facilities mosque). Funding of this model can be applied especially in Islamic religious schools or madrassas which complaints especially during likened regional autonomy (Kompas, 11 September 2004: 10) no more than a stepchild to the local government and no more than a foster child for the central government.
Education is cheap is an outstanding education. This achievement we can accomplish with hard work, commitment, and cooperation with various parties including the government. Political support and the more conducive the political role of society in this era of reform school or lemabaga educational achievement can be more easily realized.
Political Will and Benediction Khushuu Leaders' People
In a paternalistic society, leaders, officials, and parents are role models who decide. Thought and growing discourse will only be on the agenda when leaders in this republic do not realize it. Political policies must be taken immediately before this country became more "pathetic". Expectations of political will is also related to the informal and formal leaders who have the ability and strength more than the average citizen.
Benediction of the dhu'afa 'will be granted if it is done with khusyu' meaning ihktiar accompanied by serious and join hands with various parties to move forward. The dispute is no longer agenda let alone implemented, because the time was spilled for the education of members and humanity. Thus hopefully the disaster in this country turned into triumph, baldatun thayyibatun warabbun Ghafur.
[1] This brief paper presented in "Seminar on Education 100 Years of National Kebangkinan" PC Banyumas Ansor Youth Movement On May 20, 2008.
[2], Drs. Muhammad Roqib, M. Ag is Lecturer and Assistant Department Head I Tarbiyah field of Islamic Higher School of Academic Affairs (STAIN), Navan, is preparing a promotional dissertation Doctoral Program (S-3) at the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.
[3] For reference, interesting to read the book Paulo Freire, Politics of Education: Culture, power, and Liberation, (London: Read, 2000).
[4] DIPA that include non-tax revenues (such as SPP), suspected of being part of the government's political education designed to meet 20% of APBN / APBD.
[5] In relation to the role of women in education, read a book author Education of Women (Yogyakarta: Gama Media & STAIN Press, 2003) was associated with the use of culture in education (home schooling), read a book writer Harmony In Javanese culture: Dimensions of Education and Justice Gender (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Student & STAIN Press, 2007).
[6] About the optimization of functions mosque, read the book the author Menggugat Education Functions Mosque (London: Grafindo & STAIN Press, 2005).