Saturday, December 11, 2010

Understanding Macro and Micro Economics economy

his article below is about understanding the macro economic and micro-economics, equipped also with the differences of each other.

Macro and Micro economics economy are the two main branches of the economy. Microeconomics is the branch that focuses on how individuals, households, and organizations make their decision to distribute limited resources, usually in the market who saw the trade in goods or services. Micro-economic study how these decisions affect the general supply and demand for commodities and services. As we know, the supply is one factor that determines the price, which in turn, determine the supply and demand for goods and services. Micro economics is also commonly referred to as the view "bottom-up economy" (bottom to top), or how people deal with money, time and resources available.

Micro economics focuses on supply and demand and other forces that determine price levels seen in the economy. For example, microeconomics would look at how a specific company could maximize production and capacity so that it can lower prices and better compete in its industry.

While macroeconomics is a branch of learning "total economic activity, dealing with problems of growth, inflation, unemployment, national economic policies that come from government initiatives (such as changes in tax rates, etc.). For example, macroeconomics would look at how the increase / decrease in net exports will affect the amount of foreign exchange, or how a nation's GDP will be affected by the unemployment rate.

It is quite clear that the management of large-scale global organization should always take both microeconomic and macroeconomic aspects into consideration before they decide their management policies. Macroeconomic will pretty much depend on local governments which will vary from one country to another country and in some cases even one country to another. This is due to various forms of government and policies in different parts of the world. Then this will be the main focus areas for the smooth running of a global organization. Microeconomics on the other hand, depending on the particular behavior of people in various parts of the world. Therefore, for a global organization, it is important to conduct a thorough study of these two aspects to consider before implementing a policy area of management.

While both studies show the economy is seen as different, they are actually interdependent and complement each other. Because there are issues related between the two fields. For example, increased inflation (macro effect) would cause the price of raw materials to increase for the company and in turn affect the final product price charged to the public.

The bottom line is that microeconomics takes a bottom-up (bottom to top) to analyze the economy, while macroeconomics takes a top-down approach (top down). Whatever it is, both micro and macroeconomic fundamentals, both to manage any professional financial institution in order to understand how companies operate and earn income. Thus, the economy can be managed properly and sustainably.

Kamasutra Video

Kamasutra commonly known as sex techniques from ancient India, is already quite long in this earth. Approximately 100-400 years after Christ.

The main concept in the relationship kamasutra is dharma (relating to religion), artha (wealth), and kama (sexual satisfaction and also the love of the couple).
Kamasutra position is also quite diverse, it includes a touch sensitive area that can certainly stimulate your partner. Some activities at sensitive points also greatly affect the brain. To experience the highest satisfaction in sex, brain stimulation is a major part in accordance with the teachings of kamasutra.
Zone of stimulation that can excite your partner with amazing is touching, kissing, or other stimulation in the area of the mouth, lips, cheeks, forehead, breast, and neck.

Variations in sex positions kamasutra techniques:
1. Yawning Position: the position of men and women leaned over to see the sky the sky (Yawning).
2. The position is wide open: Woman lifting his body that met with a man's body. Female foot wide open to make way for a man to penetrate into.
3. Wife of Lord Indra Position: This position provides a way for men to fully penetrate into.
4. Hook position
5. Pressing, twisting,
6. etc. ..

If you want more clear, here are the Indonesian kamasutra books you can read and learn the course. Download free here>>>

Of course, always make sure that you and your partner feel comfortable enough with all variations of sexual positions that you do. Both sides will feel pleased and puas.Jangan there who feel unhappy, or you can mungin mencederainya. Please experiment with taste and imagination, respectively.

Kamasutra video

Video Transcription:
    If you are interested in sex positions Kama Sutra and want to explore many different positions, one of the criteria you will want to follow is how effective position is for G-spot stimulation and ejaculation control.Generally, friction is better for women, but the friction is insufficient, especially for men who tend ejaculate fairly quickly.    Try this: Make a circle (number 0) with the thumb and forefinger on one hand, fingertips touching. Now take your index finger of your other hand and put your finger through the hole, straight. Notice that your index finger in without much friction. (This way is good enough for men who tend to ejaculate quickly.)
    Now, create the index finger in again, but the angle slightly pointing up the hand that already form the number "0" is. Feel the difference? The finger is creating a lot of friction now. What do you want to do when trying new positions is to maximize the angle that penetrated into the man to contact with the G-spot on a woman's vagina. Good practice with kamasutra.



Issues That Arose From Election 2005

set up by:

Name: Lana Prasaja

NIM: 03/169946/DPA/01631

Prodi / Fak. : Komsi / Science







Awareness of the importance of democracy today is very high. This can be seen from the role of the people of Indonesia in implementing the General Election either dilaksakan by central and local governments. This is evident from the number of voters who do not use their voting rights a bit. General elections are directly implemented for the first time directly elect the president and vice president and member of the MPR, DPR, DPD, DPRD in 2004. Although there are still problems that arise when the time of implementation. But still it can be said suses.

After successful elections in 2004, began in June 2005 then in 226 areas covering 11 provinces and 215 districts and cities, held elections to choose local leaders. So that citizens could determine the head of the region according to their own conscience. Unlike in the first year that uses a representative from the party. But in the implementation of this election appears deviation deviation. Starting from the problem of administration candidates related to the voter.



1. Definition and Legal Basis Election

The word democracy comes from the Greek demos meaning people and Kratos which means government. So that democracy can mean government of the people of the people, by the people, for the people. Governance authority to the people. All members of the public (eligible) participate in the life of the state in election activities. The implementation of democracy has been done from the first in many regions in Indonesia until Indonesia's independence until today. Democracy in Indonesia bersumberkan Pancasila and the Constitution of '45, so often called Pancasila democracy. Pancasila Democracy cored deliberation to reach a conclusion, with stems starting at the schools of kinship and mutual cooperation

Indonesia first in carrying out elections at the end of 1955 which was followed by many parties or individuals. And in 2004, has held direct elections to elect people's representatives and the president and his deputy. And now it began in June 2005 local elections have been held or called direct election. Election is a means of realization of popular sovereignty. There are five important considerations implementation of direct elections to the development of democracy in Indonesia.

1. Direct local elections is a response to the demands of the people's aspirations for the presidential and vice presidential, House of Representatives, even the village head had been carried out directly.

2. Direct local elections is a manifestation of the constitution and the 1945 Constitution. As mandated by Article 18 Paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution, the Governor, the Regent and Mayor, respectively as head of the provincial, district, and city elected democratically. This has been stipulated in Law No. 32 of 2005 regarding the Certification, Appointment, and Dismissal of Regional Head and Deputy Head of the Region.

3. Direct local elections as a means of learning democracy (politics) for people (civic education). He became a media learning democratic practices for the people who are expected to form a collective consciousness of all elements of the nation about the importance of choosing the right leader as his conscience.

4. Direct local elections as a means to strengthen local autonomy. The success of regional autonomy one of them is also determined by local leaders. The better the local leaders that result in a direct election, 2005, the commitment of local leaders in realizing the objectives of regional autonomy, among others, to improve the welfare of the community by always looking for the interests and aspirations can be realized.

5. Direct local elections are an important means for the regeneration of national leadership. Knowingly or not, very limited stock of national leadership. Of the total Indonesian population of more than 200 million, the number of national leaders that we have only a few. They are mostly the leaders of major political parties that won the 2004 elections. Therefore, hopes for the birth of a national leader instead of direct election.

2. Implementation and Diversion Election

Election is intended to elect the head of the region in 226 areas scattered in 11 provinces and 215 districts and cities. The people elect the head of each region are directly and according to each individual conscience. In this way the selected region is expected to head a popular choice area. In the execution of elections conducted by the Regional Electoral Commission, respectively. Election Commission carried out this task is very heavy which is set for the implementation of this election can be facilitated by democratic. Starting from the selection of prospective candidates, ballot preparation, to implementation of this election.

In practice there is always a problem occurs. Often found using a fake diploma by prospective candidates. This is very worrying at all. If the candidate can qualify as the area where the future because it has been led by people who are mentally corrupt. Because starting from scratch just been using the incorrect way. And also the cost to be a candidate who is not small, if not iklas want to lead the first act of which is to find ways how to make money to immediately kemali or "return on investment". This is very dangerous.

In the implementation of this election there are winners and there are losers. Often for the losing side can not accept his defeat with a roomy chest. So that he would mobilize masses to go to the local Election Commission. Cases that are still warm is burning one of the local election office in the island province of sumatra. This proves a very low level of political consciousness of society. So from the Election Commission prior to conducting elections, often by doing Pledge ready to win and ready to lose. Still, problems arise such problems.

Besides the issue of the prospective candidates, there are also problems arising from the local Election Commission. For example, in Jakarta, the Election Commission members convicted of corruption fund these elections. The fund was supposed to conduct implementation election was corrupted. This action is very worrying. From here we can see that the low mental officials. With their easy to exploit his position for his own pleasure. And perhaps also when the selection process of prospective candidates is also an event like this. For example, in order to pass the selection will have to pay tens of millions.

In the implementation of the election on the field much once discovered misappropriation misappropriation. Cheating is done by the prospective candidates such as:

1. Political Money

It seems the political money is always accompanied in every execution of the election. Taking advantage of the economic problem of society that tends to still low, then they can easily be manipulated with ease. Real example that is only within the author ie Karangwetan village, Tegaltirto, Berbah, Sleman, also occurs it is. That is one of the cadre of prospective candidates dividing the share of money on condition kapada society must choose a particular candidate. But it's with money can buy everything. With the low level of education a person then that person can easily be manipulated and arranged with ease just because of money.
So very rational at all if it is to become a candidate for head of the region should have a lot of money. Due to these costs, the cost was.
2. Intimidation
Intimidation is also very dangerous. For example in the area that is also the author of unscrupulous government officials to intimidate citizens vote for one candidate. It is very perverted at all of the rules of the election.
3. Introduction start campaign
This action most often occurs. Though already very clear rules that apply in the election. Several ways such as billboards, banners, leaflets. Often also for the prospective candidate who is head of the area was visited every related area. This visit is very high intensity when approaching the election. This is very opposite of when he was leading the first. In addition, local TV media are often used as a media campaign. Such is a prospect greeted tersbut vision and mission in the event of the campaign when the schedule has not yet begun.
4. Negative Campaign
This negative campaigning may arise due to lack of socialization of prospective candidates to the public. This is because most people still lack of importance of information. So they just "obedient" to the people around them who become role model. Negative campaigning can lead to the emergence of defamation that could damage the integrity of the area.
3. Solutions
In implementing something there must be constraints that must be faced. But how can we minimize the constraint constraints. Therefore we need public participation because it is not just the responsibility of government alone. To menggulangi problems that arise because of the election, among others:
1. All parties are both from the local to central, shared the same maintain order and the smooth implementation of this election. Prominent community leaders who are role models can be souri model for society. With this we can avoid conflict.

2. All citizens respect each other opinions. In a fair democracy if there is a difference of opinion. This is expected not to cause conflict. With the awareness to appreciate other people's opinions, then the implementation of the elections can proceed smoothly.

3. Socialization to the residents improved. With the socialization of society is expected to obtain accurate information. Thus avoiding the possibility of slander against another candidate.

4. Choosing with a conscience. In choosing the candidate we should vote with his own conscience without coercion from others. So the principles of the election can be facilitated by good.


Nations that learning is a nation that every time improvement. The Indonesian government has tried to fix the system that has been with the foundation to promote the interests of the people. Although the implementation of this election is still encountered various permasalhan but this is all fair because the new face of Indonesia was the first time after direct elections to choose a president and his deputy. This all can be used for political learning community. So that people can realize the importance of democracy, respect for opinions, togetherness in the face something. Good human would not make a mistake ever made. Hopefully for the next general election problems that arise can be minimized. So the buffer elections run smoothly.


1. Abraham Panumbangan (Fisipol student in St. Louis). Still needs time. edition of Friday, July 15, 2005

2. Hasan Shadily, dkk.1973. General Encyclopedia. New York: Franklin Book Fund Foundation in Jakarta.

3. M. Ma'ruf (Minister of the Interior). Optimism face direct elections. edition of Tuesday, February 22, 2005

4. Editors Compass. APBN-P 2005 Bantu Rp 464.9 billion. edition Wednesday, March 30, 2005

5. Suardi Abubakar, et al. 2000. Pancasila and Citizenship Education 2 SMU.Jakarta: Yudhishthira.

Papers of education, Education in Indonesia

Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed themselves and society. Education involves teaching specific skills, and also something that can not be seen but the more profound the gift of knowledge, consideration and wisdom. One of the major basic education is to teach culture through the generations. 
Educational background
Level of education is a stage of education that is based on the level of development of the learner, goals to be achieved, and skills developed.
* Early childhood education
Early childhood education (ECD) is a development effort that is intended for children from birth until the age of six years conducted through the provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development of physical and mental readiness for the child have in entering further education.
* Primary education
Primary education is the education level early during the 9 (nine) the first year of school children that underlie secondary education level.
* Secondary education
Secondary education is the level of basic education, further education.
* Higher education
Higher education is education after secondary education which includes education program diploma, bachelor, master, doctoral, and specialists organized by the college.
Line education
Education course is the vehicle through which learners to develop self-potential in an educational process in accordance with the purpose of education.
* Formal education
Formal education is education held in schools in general. This educational path has a clear educational levels, ranging from elementary education, secondary education, to higher education.
* Non-formal education
Most numerous non-formal education at an early age, as well as basic education, is a landfill, or the Koran Educational Park, which is widely available in every mosque and Sunday School, which is found in all churches.
In addition, there are also a variety of courses, including music lessons, tutoring and so forth.
* Informal Education
Informal education is education, the environment shaped the family and independent learning activities.
Type of education
This type of education is the group that is based on the specifics of the goal of education is a unit of education.
* Public education
Public education is the primary and secondary education which prioritizes the expansion of knowledge required by learners to continue their education to pursue higher degrees. Shape: Elementary School (SD), Junior Secondary School (SMP), and High School (SMA).
* Vocational education
Vocational education is secondary education that prepares students primarily for work in specific areas. Education unit form is a Vocational School (SMK).
* Academic Education
Academic education is higher education undergraduate and graduate programs that are directed primarily on the acquisition of specific scientific disciplines.
* Education profession
Professional education is higher education after an undergraduate program that prepares students to enter a profession or become a professional.
* Vocational education
Vocational education is higher education that prepares students to have jobs with specific expertise applied in a maximal level 4 diploma equivalent to degree programs (stratum 1).
* Religious Education
Religious education is a primary, secondary, and higher which prepares learners to be able to perform a role that demands mastery of knowledge about religious teachings and / or become a theologian.
* Special Education
Special Education is to provide education for learners with disabilities or students who have extraordinary intelligence which was held in an inclusive (join regular schools) or a special education unit at the level of primary and secondary education (in the form of Special School / SLB).
Philosophy of education
Education usually begins when a baby is born and lasts a lifetime.
Education could have started from before the baby is born as practiced by many people by playing music and reading to babies in the womb in the hope he will be able to (teach) their baby before birth.
Many other people, the experience of everyday life more meaningful than formal education. As Mark Twain said, "I never let school interfere with my education."
Family members have a teaching role that is very deep - often more profound than they realize - though family teaching running unofficially.
Quality education
There are two factors that affect the quality of education - especially in Indonesia - namely:
Internal factors, including the ranks of the world's best education that the Ministry of National Education, regional education office, and also schools that are at the forefront.
External factors, is the society in general.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Education papers, Political Education and Political Education

Political Education and Political Education

By Dr. Moh. ROQIB, M. Ag

Desperate, if not sin maybe pengamalnya more than news as we hear. Suicides in congregation (with family), jump from the mall, stress, and oust themselves as "unemployed" is the concrete manifestation. Misfortune, happen to this nation almost evenly along with a fantastic triumph felt by the "handful of" rogue officer who doubles as a "merchant" or unscrupulous businessman who doubles as the "official". Merchandise and successive positions or concurrently serves to fold the "bounty of natural resources" are abundant in this country. Folded and held then mocked at will.

Commercial human, hedonist, and cannibals who used to read the comics and fictional story is now a reality that makes life a blue emotion. Homo homini lupus getting close and real. Stories State gemahripah jinawe loh, grammar tentrem Kerta Raharja menjani daydream and dream together. Indeed, dreams, hope, and reverie-under certain conditions-the panacea to provide lelipur lara us to survive in life, to survive in the face of this national tempest.

Education which became the spearhead of human resource development and prosperity is still the tip tombok for teachers who teach in these institutions. Progress has been felt by a small portion of teachers who largely stalled. Where do we parse this kusust thread? Why we love the country seemed to show hatred and anger? Earth memuncratkan hot mud, wind direction writhing with zig zag and quick swivel, the mountain cough, vomiting flatten the earth's water, trees and house fire devouring the innocent. What is this?.

Various questions will be answered completely brief in this paper through the "glass" of education and politics.

As the Soft Power Education

Every success in the start and end with education. Success in the political, economic, social, cultural, and religious education is built on pndasi. Success without the education process is utopian. Utopian growing in themselves and have a huge gap that will create stress or even crazy. Who lack adequate education, if coupled with a pile of about a utopian as that offered by soap operas and advertisements in print and electronic media will make Part of the community become truly insane. Mad office, crazy treasure, crazy beauty, and others. Not only the common people that this disease but also politicians, rulers, businessmen, teachers, professors, and clerics. This madness Trend bias found in real life. Those who should be imitated digugu and indecent scenes and even make a public spectacle. Dispute because the seizure "bread" triumph show they will never achieve greatness that.

Education is a soft power, true power is not Kasab eyes but all people need and feel the power. Education provides enormous political influence in human life. Human well-educated and healthy he will be able to self-create to change the politics of education as a medium for noble civilization and at the same time educate mempu politics through education. Political education and political education integrated bias, interconnection, but also can be hostile.

Schools As Political Tool

Reproduction Poor Schools, unwilling School, and the title of a book like merukan portraits public anxiety to see the reality of schools that chaotic, expensive, is like a bank, and become a tool of global capitalism. Neocolonialism has come so close to a public institution which has been glorified. Education has undergone a process of formalization of the school, and only schools that get state legitimacy makes all citizens "misreading" of education. Interpreted education school with a very narrow limits. The task of educators, national exams, physical development, and other educational programs are always attached to the formal institution called "school". The fate of man is written in a piece of sacred Kerta who then interpreted by the competent authority which is supported by data as well as "supporting data". Supporting data is needed because the certificate is considered not enough, therefore there must be other small sheets that can support this diploma behavior or not.

Schools with the political designs like this have won freedom and humanity. [3] School no longer has the mission of education but more likely on the provision of employment, trade science, and practice of capitalism and the new colonialism. Without distinguishing between the school and education globally there are two things to ponder:

1. Why high school, why should buying a stack of books. What is the purpose and how the process and learning strategies have been planned so that children understand the purpose of buying and reading books. This question has always just missed, which makes people feel depressed and the price of the book they should buy a more expensive and suffocating chest. Not to mention working conditions, live load, environmental conditions are broken, the information continues to flow that there are people who use the textbook procurement project in a way that is less teach. Moreover, by looking at government policies that are less pro-education people.

2. Institutionally, our school has not been able to create a vision and orientation in favor of the people, but side with the interests of capital investment. On the other hand the school is not able to apply learning strategies and education that touches the region "in the" human so that learners have a superior competence so that he can participate to advance civilization berkeadaban.

Political compulsion School

If the school is still positioned as a political tool, then the political education for the younger generation in this country will experience penurununan quality and even more drastic again. For the element of compulsion for school anticipates bias neutralized the political influence of evil, then there must be people's liberation program of compulsion in education.

Freedom to choose a quality education without the burden of cost that is not affordable is one of the solutions in addition to improving the quality and equity of education itself. Quality education should be spread in all corners of the nation's life so that young accessed. With information technology, this effort becomes easier to be realized.

To provide alternative solutions for school can be so cheap that could be affordable by all levels of society including by:

1. The allocation of national budget / budget 20 percent for education, so it is not just a political discourse or by using a budget. [4]

2. Cut the salaries of high officials who were allocated to education based on government-imposed commitment.

3. Interesting education tax by large companies.

4. Investigate and impose sanctions on all parties who engage in corruption on the education budget.

5. Encouraging the business sector relating to educational institutions to allocate a budget that can make the most of educational institutions.

6. Involve the mass media is primarily to give a bold and incisive coverage of commitment to education a number of circles.

7. Creating a new standard of quality education that not only touches the capability and krativitas students but also the cost of school.

8. Encourage educational institutions openly management by involving a number of parents and students if the college is to design the educational institution needs.

9. Encourage the parliament to be actively involved in the determination of education officials. Education officials but not the internal affairs of the school of public affairs.

10. Withdraw funds directly to the community.

Tejangkau Education and Achievement

Ten of these alternatives still need to be discussed and completed.

1. Cutting salaries give the impression of coercion. Coercion is less positive effect on education. As an alternative could be disseminated zakat zakat all professions and income derived by officials and professionals.

2. Applying the concept that to people who already pay zakat above can be included as part of tax payments. With spiritual ties entrepreneurs more easily possible to spend education funds.

3. Conduct a comprehensive control and sanction to all parties who do corruption not only of the education budget but in all budget.

4. Utilize and support family education (home schooling) to optimize the role of mother as the education of children and young people. [5]

5. Building a tradition of scholarly / academic in any social environment and equip facilities or educational media so easily accessible by the public.

6. Optimization of the mosque and library functions. If the library can not exist with the mosque as well as efforts dimachingkan completion dibutuihkan books and actual for the community. [6]

7. Create a group educational thinkers in the center and each region is responsible for providing input and anticipation of educational problems. This is due to the acute problems will require high cost and then be a burden on society.

8. Encourage the establishment of community education centers such as schools and madrassas Diniyah usually run with high consciousness and self-reliance.

9. Selecting officials are impartial and not neutral. Selecting officials or leaders who sided with the people of character and justice.

Related to funding, in addition to funds from sources that have been prevalent, schools / educational institutions to develop funding from donors (infaq-charity), zakat and waqf (endowments including instructional media, library books, and facilities mosque). Funding of this model can be applied especially in Islamic religious schools or madrassas which complaints especially during likened regional autonomy (Kompas, 11 September 2004: 10) no more than a stepchild to the local government and no more than a foster child for the central government.

Education is cheap is an outstanding education. This achievement we can accomplish with hard work, commitment, and cooperation with various parties including the government. Political support and the more conducive the political role of society in this era of reform school or lemabaga educational achievement can be more easily realized.

Political Will and Benediction Khushuu Leaders' People

In a paternalistic society, leaders, officials, and parents are role models who decide. Thought and growing discourse will only be on the agenda when leaders in this republic do not realize it. Political policies must be taken immediately before this country became more "pathetic". Expectations of political will is also related to the informal and formal leaders who have the ability and strength more than the average citizen.

Benediction of the dhu'afa 'will be granted if it is done with khusyu' meaning ihktiar accompanied by serious and join hands with various parties to move forward. The dispute is no longer agenda let alone implemented, because the time was spilled for the education of members and humanity. Thus hopefully the disaster in this country turned into triumph, baldatun thayyibatun warabbun Ghafur.


[1] This brief paper presented in "Seminar on Education 100 Years of National Kebangkinan" PC Banyumas Ansor Youth Movement On May 20, 2008.

[2], Drs. Muhammad Roqib, M. Ag is Lecturer and Assistant Department Head I Tarbiyah field of Islamic Higher School of Academic Affairs (STAIN), Navan, is preparing a promotional dissertation Doctoral Program (S-3) at the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.

[3] For reference, interesting to read the book Paulo Freire, Politics of Education: Culture, power, and Liberation, (London: Read, 2000).

[4] DIPA that include non-tax revenues (such as SPP), suspected of being part of the government's political education designed to meet 20% of APBN / APBD.

[5] In relation to the role of women in education, read a book author Education of Women (Yogyakarta: Gama Media & STAIN Press, 2003) was associated with the use of culture in education (home schooling), read a book writer Harmony In Javanese culture: Dimensions of Education and Justice Gender (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Student & STAIN Press, 2007).

[6] About the optimization of functions mosque, read the book the author Menggugat Education Functions Mosque (London: Grafindo & STAIN Press, 2005).

Education papers, History of Journalism Education

Journalism education today is very much offered at universities, and devotees are also quite a lot too. Among the journalists who we know in Indonesia, there is never a formal education, but not a few who never felt at all.Although it is not through formal education, but a journalist should know the main functions of his job as a journalist, that is what is universally known: (1) present information, (2) provide education, (3) provide entertainment. Forcan perform this function, a journalist required to meet certain requirements, a journalist required to meet certain requirements, namely the first: to have intelligence; both: always be vigilant; third: having curiosity inexhaustible; fourth concerned community; fifth sense long; sixth: a sensitivity to injustice; and seventh: dare to dissent from the ruling party.In addition, of course, a journalist should be able to anticipate the possible risks involved in carrying out its obligations.Routine Working Journalists and Life in the News RoomIn the implementation of responsible journalism in a publication or a radio station / television, as an institution, there is a clear division of tasks, in order to guard the smooth day-to-day work.In addition, every person who worked as a journalist and a member of an organization that is officially recognized its existence, either by government or by the public, should obey the code of ethics that has been recognized and accepted by the organization.Understanding NewsBasically the news was a report about an incident that is considered important and interesting. for audiences. Of the various kinds of restrictions given people the news, in principle, there are important elements that must be observed that the elements of the report, incident / event / opinions are interesting and important, and presented as soon as possible (bound by time). The news has several criteria, among others, should be accurate, complete, objective, balanced, clear and concise.Different Types of NewsJudging from the presentation, the news consists of straight news and features. Straight news than soft news and hard news. Features consist of several kinds, ranging from bright to enterprise story.In print media, in addition to the news there are also many papers like the editorial, news analysis, news commentary, aritkel opinions, reviews, corners and columns.Types of Posts in Print MediaUsual kind of writing appears mediated print are: Features (Typical Authorship), Editorial (Editorial), columns, News Commentary (Commentary News), News Analysis (News Analysis), Opinion Articles, and Review / Review / Critique.There are 2 techniques to write reviews / revlew / criticism, which is impressive and authoritative. Both types of this method appears to separate, but in reality, journalists sometimes combine both the arts of this method.Definition Source NewsIn performing its duties, a reporter / journalist would be associated with news sources. News sources are not only men but also of events.

News source is the beginning of the process of creating news. In this process required the ability of journalists in finding and cultivating sources of news in order to create a story of good and right and worthy of display.Acquisition Method NewsThere are several methods to obtain news which consists of interviews, observation, library research, press releases / press conferences and statements of informants.Most of the methods of acquisition news was through interviews. But in the development of cutting-edge journalism, numbers and data from literature are also taking an important role. Observation is a subjective mental activity of the reporter as a result of processing stimuli in the vicinity and this observation is used to "make report".Press Conference, is especially important to obtain background information for things that are still very new. While the statement of information is not used as a resource, but the methods are meant to be tracked more truth and usefulness to society.Protecting the Source NewsIn developing relationships with sources, a journalist must consider several ethical. Please tell us the purpose of a resource. Protect the credibility and reputation of news sources, respect the rights of resource persons, and do not expect speakers occasionally "slip" in a statement.

Education papers, Indonesia Education Website

Development of the internet today drove so fast. Various dimensions have been passed by this medium. The Internet has formed a new civilization of the modern world. Various sides of our lives are increasingly unable to be separated from existence. Imagine, every information we need, most likely available in the wilds of the Internet.

Internet is very complex and global nature. Various kinds of information from various sources are shown in full. Information ranging from general issues such as economic, political and social culture, to things that are more specific. Given the global nature of the Internet, the information available on the Internet of course also reflected in various languages, depending on the source of information providers and communities who become the target destination information. Most major sites on the Internet provide information in a choice of English, except in his native language.
The development of Internet media as an alternative to participate in the intellectual life of the nation turned out and has been applied in the form of site development education. In this chapter will discuss the role of Internet in education.
In this article will discuss some parts of the following:
1. List of Children's Education Site
2. List of Higher Education Sites
3. Site List Scholarship
4. List Sites Computer Education in Indonesia.
1. Children Education
Child's world is the world's most enjoyable. Almost every parent always give the best for their children, especially when they were children because childhood is the most decisive in the process of their psychological growth in the future. By providing appropriate education to children will be able to obtain a solid foundation for the future of the children.

Media information on the Internet is one medium that can be used to obtain the right information to determine an appropriate education for children. Here are some sites related to Indonesian children's education.
Site Address:
Children educational website that provides useful information for students, ranging from information Computer Knowledge, General Knowledge, Children Stories / Fables, School Lessons, consul-tation, Regarding the education, information for parents, and examples of work . This site is also equipped with the membership, so you or your child can enter the member's area with first register as a member and login. There is also a material question bank for elementary, junior high and high school. Because he looked looked interesting enough, this site has been awarded as the Best Sites Computer version of the Period 2004-2005 On to the category of Education.
Open Eyes
Site Address:
Open Eye Media online community that introduced MathMagic Home School, which is studying MathMagic in numeracy (Mathematics) at home, Fast and precise without the calculator. MathMagic is made to be a method of learning mathematics (arithmetic) that is easy and fun for every child who is studying ketram-pilan basic numeracy. Covers the basics of how simple arithmetic addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, rank number 2, and many new methods in arithmetic that does not exist in the method of studying mathematics at ordinary schools. This site reveals all these things with MathMagic. There is also a book about MathMagic methods that can be purchased on this site.
The Fourth R Inc.
Site Address:
The Fourth R Inc.., Established since 1991, providing courses, assessment software, high-quality certification. Make it as a center of learning and schools worldwide. Already has 150 branches in over 20 countries.
The Fourth R Indonesia focusing to provide computer training for children from age 3 to 14 years, and adults, with the concept of Performance-Based Training. The main information presented is School Programs, Youth Programs, Corporate Training, IT Training, Partner with Us.
2. Higher Education (Higher Education)
Higher education is one of the top-level education is increasingly needed by the community to prepare prospective graduates to be ready to jump in the world of work. Here are some university sites that are popular in Indonesia:
Site Address:
Site Bina Nusantara University in Jakarta, Meru ¬ feed one prominent information technology-based universities in Indonesia, and even Asia. This site is presented fairly good, providing a variety of in ¬ formation, among others, Rev. Binus, Majors, Student Life, Ad ¬ mission, About Binus. There are several pages about ¬ pliers BINUS program, namely the page hahasiswa, ¬ most international students, as well as graduate programs. Meanwhile, for students of Bina Nusantara is provided with a special page to log in first. This site also has links related to the Bina Nusantara, such as Education Services link that contains links to sites Bina Nusantara education program, which connects to the Community link sites, as well as links to sites Binus company, and PT . Widya Rahardja Informatika.UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO
Site Address:
Various information about the war ¬ Sema Diponegoro University, among others, about UNDIP, location, vision and mission UNDIP, information staff, academic, collaboration, site map, faculty and department, location, resources & services, campus life, student directories, and alumni directory. There is also a webmail facility for students and alumni UNDIP.
Site Address:
Official website of the Institute of Technology Sura baya ¬ (ITS), providing information about campus ITS ¬ pliers, including Headline News, Profiles, Opinion, Agenda Activities, Scholarships, Jobs, Alumni, Science Faculty, FTI, FTSP, FTK, FTIf, Elka Polytechnic, Polytechnic Ship, Pg LPPM, BAPSI, Library, Com ¬ puter Center, Student Advisory Center, Language Center, Sports Facility, Email ITS, IKA ITS, Student Senate, BEM ITS, ITS LMB, JMMI, SBIC Higher Education, ICT Questionnaire Higher Education, Academic Information System, Student Information and Academic Calendar.
Site Address:
Official website of Bandung Institute of Technology, provides various information about ITB, which is about the ITB, education, research, facilities, community, news, agenda, and focus. Also presented the perspective of students (Undergraduate, Graduate, International Students), information about the academic calendar, info about Legal Software, SMS service campus, webmail, and alumni. There is also a digital library (Agronomy ITB), the program pro ¬ gram-education and faculty in the ITB.
Site Address:
Official website of the University of Indonesia (University of Indonesia), Jakarta & Depok, presents the information in the main menu: About the UI, UI Faculty, Campus Life, International, Research / Partnership. On the main page you will find informa ¬ tion about the news around campus, agendas and announcements. In addition, the menu also available for registration, academic calendar, library, information technology, UI, TV UI, stock and gallery photos.
Site Address:
Available news headlines and events in Petra. On the main menu is available linki to obtain information about Petra Christian University, administration offices, academic programs, facilities, students, alumni, civitas, research, and navigation information for visitors.
Site Address:
Catholic University's official page ATMA JAYA Indonesia Yogyakarta. The main menu is History, Vision and Mission, Foundation Rijadi Slamet, Location, and the Library. Fa ¬ kultas information includes the Faculty of Biology, Economics, Law, Social Science and Political Science, Engineering, and Technology In ¬ industries. International Program Information includes Civil Engineering Program, Program Management, and Pro ¬ gram of Industrial Engineering. Graduate Program, including Master of Laws, Master of Engineering, Master of Management. Information includes student-rental Kemahasis Faculty, Cost Study, Scholarship, Regis ¬ ly, the Organization Kemahasis-rental, Alumni Info, and Student Activities. Also available is information on campus news and agenda of the campus.
Various news and events that became the main topics include campus news, general news, and news of the ¬ tus. At the ATMA Portal you'll find links to campus information system, namely synthesis, Sintedos, and Amadeus. Periodically, this site also provides information about the research and publication. To complement the students' needs for knowledge ATMA JAYA, this site is equipped with facilities webmail, forums, and libraries.
Site Address:
The main information is an article about UKDW, the achievements that have been achieved UKDW, programs of study in UKDW, student activities, academic calendar, e-learning UKDW, site maps and news UKDW activity.
Site Address:
Page Trisakti University official site comes with two languages, namely English and Indonesian, provide information about the University of Trisakti, academic programs, new student enrollment, facilities, research, student affairs, campus maps, directories and publications. Information about the faculty which is owned by the University of Trisakti, such as the Faculty of Law, Economics, Medicine, Dentistry, Civil Engineering & Planning, Technology Industry, Minerals Technology, Landscape Architecture & Environmental Technology, Fine Arts & Design. There are also programs and Postgraduate Diploma. There is also info about the campus and its activities, Trisakti Movie (collection of the best movies Trisakti), Trisakti Event (Organiser of the university), Trisakti Poll (poll with interesting topics.)
3. Education Scholarship
Scholarships are usually awarded to students who have talent and achievement in a particular field. But there are also scholarships granted to students who are less able, but in desperate need of education. Various parties, especially universities, many of which hold this scholarship program. Even if you are interested to study abroad, widely available at universities abroad that offer a variety of scholarship programs. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, many parties, both corporate, social agencies and higher education who organized a scholarship program. Here are some information sites in Indonesia which offers a variety of scholarship programs are quite interesting. Here is a list of some well-known scholarship program:
Progra M AUSTRALIAN Development Scholarship (ADS) IN AUSTRALIA
Site Address:
Education scholarship program for sons and daughters of Indonesia's best, hosted by the Government of Austra ¬ lia, via The Australian Government's Overseas Aid Program. Scholarship program that awarded a full scholarship to study in Australia, ranging from tuition to cost of accommodation during their stay and study in Australia. There are 300 scholarships per year. This site is developed and managed by the Australian Government. In the ni site you will find information such as About AusAID, Project, Media Releases, Feature Stories, Photo Gallery, Funding Guidelines, Job Opportunities, Contact AusAID, Links, Search and Site Map.
Site Address:
A foundation scholarship provider company founded by Sampoerna. The foundation provides various forms of scholarships for improving children's education Indonesia especially for students and outstanding students from underprivileged families. Information presented in both English and Indonesian. The main menu is available is information about About the Foundation, Our Programs, Media Center, Education in Indonesia, Join Us, SF and the Family. There are also a variety of news information and announcements about activities of the Foundation, and the Application Form which you can get for free.
Site Address:
A site that you can make the gate to get various information on international educational scholarships for those who wish to continue their education to pursue higher degrees, both S1 and S2.
If you are looking for scholarships, the principle is the same as finding a job. We must be diligent searching and trying. We also must demonstrate to funders, foundations or institutions that we are serious about their education.
This site brings the latest information on International Education to Indonesia. In this site presented the requirements you need to prepare before you decide to study abroad. A full range of information schools or educational programs overseas scholarships, for example in the UK Graduate Scholarship, the Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) in Indonesia, International Study Programs Scholarships, Computer Science University of Indonesia, ASEAN Scholarships, Statistics, Republic of Indonesia, AusAID, the Chevening Scholarship, Fulbright, Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program, Monbusho, Witteveen Dekker Indonesian Scholarship Foundation and many more
4. Computer Education
The Internet is a medium of information that can not be separated from the presence of computer equipment to support the existence of inter-connectivity of Internet users. Computers are not seen only as a medium to conduct activities of typing, but more than that can be used as a core business, namely in Business Information Technology. The various sites that offer education as IT professionals, who now increasingly expanding its development in the homeland. Here are some sites that provide education in the field of Information Technology.
Site Address:
This site is a practical computer education. Some courses are held, among others, web design, web programs, web databases, networking, PC Hardware. Available information on Registration, Course Pack, Payment, Tour Absasi, and Syllabus. For ang ¬ bers provided a special.
Site Address:
Saint Lucia Education Foundation (YPSL) stand on January 27, 1984 started in '70s. This site ¬ tests provide guidance for the younger high school who want to continue their education to university level, Mrs. Lucia Soetanto Tests Guidance (BTILS) is then developed into Tutoring Saint Lucia (BBSL). Educational materials provided include Tutoring, Computer Education, English, and Education Secretary.
Site Address:
TV Education (Education TV) ¬ is intended to summarize the information related to Educational Technology ¬ use to help Educators, Students and Society. This site is a site that is non-profit, all information provided is only for the progress of education in Indonesia, particularly in the development of education and information technology. The information provided in this site include Computers & Education, Internet & Education, Technology Studies, Language Laboratory, WWWEb, TV / Radio. There is also a forum and mailing list services.