Monday, November 22, 2010

Education papers, History of Journalism Education

Journalism education today is very much offered at universities, and devotees are also quite a lot too. Among the journalists who we know in Indonesia, there is never a formal education, but not a few who never felt at all.Although it is not through formal education, but a journalist should know the main functions of his job as a journalist, that is what is universally known: (1) present information, (2) provide education, (3) provide entertainment. Forcan perform this function, a journalist required to meet certain requirements, a journalist required to meet certain requirements, namely the first: to have intelligence; both: always be vigilant; third: having curiosity inexhaustible; fourth concerned community; fifth sense long; sixth: a sensitivity to injustice; and seventh: dare to dissent from the ruling party.In addition, of course, a journalist should be able to anticipate the possible risks involved in carrying out its obligations.Routine Working Journalists and Life in the News RoomIn the implementation of responsible journalism in a publication or a radio station / television, as an institution, there is a clear division of tasks, in order to guard the smooth day-to-day work.In addition, every person who worked as a journalist and a member of an organization that is officially recognized its existence, either by government or by the public, should obey the code of ethics that has been recognized and accepted by the organization.Understanding NewsBasically the news was a report about an incident that is considered important and interesting. for audiences. Of the various kinds of restrictions given people the news, in principle, there are important elements that must be observed that the elements of the report, incident / event / opinions are interesting and important, and presented as soon as possible (bound by time). The news has several criteria, among others, should be accurate, complete, objective, balanced, clear and concise.Different Types of NewsJudging from the presentation, the news consists of straight news and features. Straight news than soft news and hard news. Features consist of several kinds, ranging from bright to enterprise story.In print media, in addition to the news there are also many papers like the editorial, news analysis, news commentary, aritkel opinions, reviews, corners and columns.Types of Posts in Print MediaUsual kind of writing appears mediated print are: Features (Typical Authorship), Editorial (Editorial), columns, News Commentary (Commentary News), News Analysis (News Analysis), Opinion Articles, and Review / Review / Critique.There are 2 techniques to write reviews / revlew / criticism, which is impressive and authoritative. Both types of this method appears to separate, but in reality, journalists sometimes combine both the arts of this method.Definition Source NewsIn performing its duties, a reporter / journalist would be associated with news sources. News sources are not only men but also of events.

News source is the beginning of the process of creating news. In this process required the ability of journalists in finding and cultivating sources of news in order to create a story of good and right and worthy of display.Acquisition Method NewsThere are several methods to obtain news which consists of interviews, observation, library research, press releases / press conferences and statements of informants.Most of the methods of acquisition news was through interviews. But in the development of cutting-edge journalism, numbers and data from literature are also taking an important role. Observation is a subjective mental activity of the reporter as a result of processing stimuli in the vicinity and this observation is used to "make report".Press Conference, is especially important to obtain background information for things that are still very new. While the statement of information is not used as a resource, but the methods are meant to be tracked more truth and usefulness to society.Protecting the Source NewsIn developing relationships with sources, a journalist must consider several ethical. Please tell us the purpose of a resource. Protect the credibility and reputation of news sources, respect the rights of resource persons, and do not expect speakers occasionally "slip" in a statement.

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